Everything you need to know to make your own flamethrower that launches flames over 45 feet!
Immediate download upon purchase.
Follow along step-by-step through the building process with over 250 over-the-shoulder photos of me building one of my flamethrowers. Leave nothing to chance with visual tutorials! I guide you through set up, safe operation, and maintenance of your flamethrower so it lasts you for years to come.
The ebook comes in PDF format and is ready to be used on your computer, tablet or smart phone.
Included in the book:
- 90 pages of flamethrower building instructions.
- Detailed step-by-step instructions
- Over 250 full color photos
- Download your ebook immediately after checkout
- Buy everything you need online with my easy to follow checklist with clickable links to all my flamethrower parts suppliers
- Learn how to safely operate your flamethrower
- Easy cleaning and flamethrower care guide